
Importance of profiles in human design
Importance of profiles in human design

importance of profiles in human design

Line 5 is said to be the highest Line of the Hexagram. Draw people in need of solutions Entelechy: To take humanity to the next level of possibility by bringing new solutions.Projected on positively and negatively.Luminary – lighting the world with their new solutions.Highest Line - universalizes their message.

importance of profiles in human design

LINE 5 The Heretic (The Illuminator) Themes When we combine the Conscious and Unconscious neutrino streams, which have picked up the energies of the planets, we have our quantum multidimensional bodygraph. If you look at a bodygraph, you will see the Conscious denoted with the color black and the Unconscious with red. We call the energies from our actual birth time Conscious and the energies from three months prior Unconscious. In Human Design, we take the combination of the neutrino stream from the moment of our birth and combine it with the neutrino stream at a particular moment three months prior to our birth to create the bodygraph. This gives our body its unique substance. So, how does the neutrino stream fit into this Human Design picture? At the time of our birth, the neutrino stream picks up the energy of the planets in the Hexagrams.

importance of profiles in human design

Scientists say that neutrinos may be the reason that matter exists. Trillions of them are streaming through our bodies and the universe day and night. They have no electrical charge and very little mass. The neutrino stream is made up of tiny subatomic particles that travel close to the speed of light. But first, let’s look at the quantum physics influence in Human Design.

Importance of profiles in human design