Such a romantic and captivating artwork, resulting from meticulous observations of the Moon with the instruments available at the time," Sergio says. "I was fascinated when I saw Carte de la Lune by Jean-Dominique Cassini (1625–1712) for the first time. My Jellyfish Nebula image has become a family favourite, and I'm sure one day it will be on my living room wall!" Needless to say, I'll be sticking with mono, and taking my time, to keep the standard high.

The image needed very little processing to bring out the contrast and details. On combining with the SHO palette in PixInsight, I was immediately pleased. "On doing the first stack of the H-alpha using APP (Astro Pixel Processor), I was blown away by the detail and knew I was onto something. Once I had enough data, I went through each sub individually and removed any which weren't visually perfect. I had a stretch of clear skies and started with H-alpha, then OIII and finally SII from my garden close to Geneva, Switzerland. The Jellyfish Nebula I shot was only my second attempt at mono. Peter says, "I'd only recently made the switch from OSC (one-shot-colour) to mono, and was quite excited, having seen many stunning SHO images around. This will lay the groundwork for future missions that would then target those planets that have been discovered that are more likely to harbour Earth-like atmospheres." It is due to be launched by 2025 with the objective to answer the question ‘are we alone?’ They will observe stars and their exoplanets by using a technique called transit spectroscopy to get a better understanding of their atmospheric conditions. However, a small satellite space mission co-led by an American Laboratory and NASA flight centre are not going to be dissuaded by the myth they have called it ‘Pandora’. The moral of Pandora’s Box suggests that curiosity could be dangerous, and some things are best left alone. She did so by opening a mystical box given to her by the god Zeus that contained all the evils of humanity.

"According to the ancient Greek myth, Pandora brought evil into the world and caused the downfall of humankind. Walking among the ruins is hazardous: there are deep holes in the collapsed concrete floors to avoid. It is on a long-abandoned incomplete beach hotel complex. Derek explains, "The image of Pandora on the wall in this photograph is by ‘Wild Drawing’, also known as ‘WD’, a Balinese artist on the Greek island of Naxos.